iPad | iPad Air | iPad Pro Service
If your iPad, iPad Air, or iPad Pro has failed, or has experienced an unfortunate mishap, we can help. For additional info please read the information below. When you’re ready, you may book an appointment by using the Apple support app, download it here.
or if have further questions, you can e-mail us at help@corecomputers.ca.
If your iPad issue is covered by Apple limited warranty or AppleCare+ and the iPad has no damage, you won’t pay a fee. Otherwise, repairs are considered out of warranty, and not covered when:
• Your iPad is over one year old.
• Your iPad screen gets broken accidentally.
• Your iPad has other accidental damage
• Issues caused by unauthorized modifications.
If your iPad issue isn’t covered, you’ll pay an out-of-warranty service fee unless your iPad has AppleCare+ coverage. AppleCare+ includes two incidents of accidental damage. You might be able to use one of those incidents for a cracked screen or for other damage to your iPad. Each AppleCare+ incident has a service fee.
All AppleCare+ service fee for all iPad is $49 plus tax.
All out of warranty battery service for all iPad is $169 plus tax
All iPad repairs are a replacement iPad at a repair cost. Depending on its capacity, features and age, some repair may be perceived as uneconomical to repair. We can discuss your service options when you come in for your appointment. Please note many non authorized repair shops may claim to be able to replace glass or LCD panel, Please be aware, Apple does not sell parts for iPads. Many of these repairs with third party or counterfeit parts are later brought in to us for repair with the same failure or other failures not originally present before a third party service attempt. Some examples of these failures are display separation, multitouch failure, home button or faceID failure and WiFi connectivity issues.
All of our iPad repairs are returned to customer working perfectly. All iPad service come with an Apple service warranty of 90 days. Our repairs are backed by Apple.
Before you bring your iPad in, two things need to be taken care of.
1- Please make sure you have all of your important data backed up. options to back up your iPad are using iCloud or to your computer using iTunes. for additional information about back up please see Apple’s service back up article..
2- Please have your Apple ID and password available to disable the Find My iPad security feature. this must be completed before we can accept you iPad in for service. If you need help, please see Apple’s FMiP service article.